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Goods warehousing

Release time:2019-02-19 16:38:33

Goods warehousing
The warehouse staff are familiar with the storage requirements of electronics, electrical appliances and other precision electronic instruments. They have large-scale city distribution experience and strict working style. Warehouse personnel receive internal training monthly to learn knowledge and skills related to fire control, logistics management and electronic product custody. Managers are younger and more professional, and can adapt to large-scale warehousing and frequent distribution tasks.
_Warehouse condition
All of them are specialized warehouses with good facilities, 24-hour security on duty, monitoring of vehicles in and out, and ensuring the safety of inventory; and now most of the warehouses are located in the urban or urban fringe, which is more convenient for customers to pick up goods.
Warehouse Management
The management of each sub-warehouse is under the responsibility of the warehouse department and the sub-company, which implements the unified mode management. All operation procedures are optimized and strict management documents are formulated according to the unified planning. At the same time, through the optimal allocation of resources, the customer inventory will be realized and the customer inventory cost will be minimized.
Application of WMS
It realizes the scientific management of arrival entry, inventory inquiry, delivery of goods, outgoing management and packaging mode, and effectively reduces the error caused by manual operation. Combining bar code technology with bar code scanning equipment and portable digital input equipment, warehouse management achieves high accuracy in receiving, storing and distributing (99.9%).
Warehousing Indicators: KPI Commitment Achievement Rate
KPI-1: Assessment Criteria of Stock Damage Rate Index: 100%
Definition: The percentage of the difference value of inventory damage in the current month to the average total value of inventory in the current month.
KPI-2: Assessment Criteria of Inventory Inventory Accuracy Index: 100%
Definition: The percentage of inventory discrepancies to the total inventory.
KPI-3: Information Feedback Rate Index Assessment Criteria: 99%
Definition: The percentage of orders that enter information into the system in time within one hour after receipt of goods to the total number of orders received in that month.

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