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Logistics Information Technology

Release time:2019-02-19 16:38:40

Logistics Information Technology
Logistics information technology (logistics information technology) is the comprehensive application of modern information technology in all aspects of logistics operation. It is the basic symbol of modern logistics to distinguish traditional logistics and the fastest growing field of logistics technology. Especially, the extensive application of computer network technology makes logistics information technology reach a higher application level.
Information technology applied in all links of logistics. According to the functions and characteristics of logistics, logistics information technology includes computer technology, network technology, information classification and coding technology, bar code technology, radio frequency identification technology, electronic data exchange technology, global positioning system (GPS), geographic information system (GIS), etc.
Logistics information technology is an important symbol of logistics modernization and the fastest growing field of logistics technology. Hardware and software such as barcode system for data acquisition, computer, internet, various terminal equipment and computer software in office automation system are developing rapidly. At the same time, with the continuous development of logistics information technology, a series of new logistics concepts and new logistics management methods have emerged, which has promoted the transformation of logistics. In the aspect of supply chain management, the development of logistics information technology has also changed the way in which enterprises use supply chain management to gain competitive advantage. Successful enterprises support their business strategy and choose their business through the application of information technology. Through the use of information technology to improve the efficiency of supply chain activities, enhance the operational decision-making ability of the entire supply chain.
Composition of Logistics Information Technology
Bar code technology
Bar code technology is a kind of automatic recognition technology which is produced and developed in the application practice of computer. It provides us with a method to identify and describe goods in logistics. Bar code is the technical basis of POS system, EDI, e-commerce and supply chain management. It is also an important technical means to modernize logistics management and improve enterprise management level and competitiveness.
EDI Technology
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) refers to the transmission and exchange of structured data by means of electronic means, standardized format and computer network. The three elements of EDI system are EDI hardware and software, communication network and data standardization.
Radio frequency technology
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a non-contact automatic identification technology, which automatically identifies the target through radio frequency signals to obtain relevant data. Recognition can work in various harsh environments without manual intervention. Short-range radio frequency products are not afraid of oil stains, dust pollution and other harsh environments. They can replace bar codes, such as tracking objects on factory assembly lines. Long-distance radio frequency products are mostly used in traffic. The identification distance can reach tens of meters, such as automatic toll collection or vehicle identification.
GIS Technology
Geographical Information System (GIS) is the product of the intersection of many disciplines. It is a computer technology system for geographic research and geographic decision-making. It is based on geospatial data and uses the method of geographic model analysis to provide timely geographic information of various spaces and dynamics. Its basic function is to convert tabular data (whether it comes from database, spreadsheet file or input directly in program) into geographic display, and then browse, operate and analyze the display results. The display ranges from intercontinental maps to very detailed block maps, showing people, sales, transportation routes and other content.
GPS Technology
Global Positioning System (GPS) has the capability of omnidirectional real-time three-dimensional navigation and positioning at sea, land and air. GPS can be used in automobile self-positioning, tracking and dispatching, railway transportation management and military logistics in the field of logistics.
Management software
Logistics management software includes transportation management system (TMS), warehouse management system (WMS), freight forwarder management system (FMS), supply chain management system (SCM), etc.
Application status
In China, various logistics information application technologies have been widely used in all aspects of logistics activities, which has a profound impact on the logistics activities of enterprises.
Application of Logistics Automation Equipment Technology
Logistics automation equipment technology integration and application of the hot link is the distribution center, which is characterized by the daily need to select a large variety of goods, batches, a large number. Therefore, in the domestic supermarkets, pharmaceuticals, postal parcels and other industries, distribution centers have partially introduced logistics automated sorting equipment. One is the automation application of sorting equipment, such as the distribution center of Beijing Pharmaceutical Corporation, which has visual sorting prompt equipment on the sorting shelf (plate). This kind of sorting shelf is connected with the logistics management information system, which dynamically indicates the selected items and quantity, guides the staff's sorting operation, and improves the accuracy and speed of goods sorting. The other is an automatic sorting device after picking. Bar code or electronic label is attached to the identified object (usually the transport unit after package), which is fed into the sorting port by the conveyor belt, and then sorted by the sorting machine equipped with reading equipment, so that the items can enter their respective grouping channels and complete the automatic sorting of items. Sorting equipment has been used in large distribution centers in China. But this kind of equipment and the corresponding supporting software are basically imported from abroad, as well as imported foreign machinery and equipment, and domestic configuration software. Stereoscopic warehouse and roadway stacker cooperated with it have developed rapidly in China, and have been applied in machinery manufacturing, automobile, textile, railway, cigarette and other industries.
Application of Logistics Equipment Tracking and Control Technology
At present, logistics equipment tracking mainly refers to the right

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